Ear Cropping Services

At Hope Springs, we provide safe and effective ear cropping services to support you in keeping your dog in accordance with breed standards. Most commonly, Boxers, Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, Miniature Pinschers, Shnauzers, Bouviers des Flandres, American Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers are breeds of dog that receive ear cropping services.
Prior to scheduling ear cropping services for your pet, our veterinarians require an initial consultation to discuss the pros and cons of ear cropping surgery and to support you in making the best decision for your specific puppy. During this consultation, our veterinarians will review your puppy's after care needs, while also determining the specific, desired look you are hoping to achieve. Cosmetic surgery is generally designed based on a number of factors, including individual dog's head, ear length and quality, purpose for crop (show or companion), and breed specific standards.
Ear cropping surgery for dogs is ideally performed when your puppy is between 10 and 12 weeks of age. The surgical process involves shaping the dog's ears to stand up, and requires the use of general anesthesia. In order to carefully and safely monitor your pet's pain and comfort into their recovery, we keep your pet overnight in our hospital after surgery. Ear cropping is an invasive procedure for your pet, and we take great care to provide appropriate pain management and pain control before, during and after your puppy's procedure to ensure they receive the relief they need.
Once ready to return home, your puppy will leave with their ears braced to stand straight in ear racks which will need to remain in place for the first 3-5 days. Your puppy's ear racks will need to be re-racked multiple times during the first few weeks to ensure appropriate form. Generally, 10-14 days after surgery, our veterinary doctors will remove your puppy's sutures.
Our veterinary team is happy to support you and your pet throughout the ear cropping surgical process, and we welcome your questions and concerns. In order to ensure your pet's best outcome after surgery, you will need to provide continued and consistent follow up care for the first few weeks and sometimes months afterward. Once the ears have healed, you may need to provide additional training support.
Ask us today how we can help keep you informed and provide you with necessary resources to prepare you and your pet for ear cropping surgery.
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